Our Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Your child is unique and deserves the best possible start in life. At Kiddycare, we provide the skilled support all children need to develop their abilities and talents to the full.

We plan our activities in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which focuses on 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas. These are:

Prime Areas of Learning: 

  • Communication and Language Development
  • Physical Development 
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Specific Areas of Learning:

  • Literacy development, for example using picture books, poems and other written materials
  • Mathematics skills focusing on their understanding and use of numbers
  • Understanding of the world 
  • Expressive Arts and Design
Learning Journeys

Learning Journeys

When a child starts at Kiddycare, a full assessment is carried out in partnership with parents during an induction meeting. The manager and the designated key person will sit down with families to discuss their child’s starting points, interests, medical information, home routines, likes and dislikes as well as any additional requirements the child may have.

The key person will then set up a child’s learning journey on the Famly App. The Famly App is a software Kiddycare uses to update children’s ongoing progress, which can be easily accessed by parents to ensure a flow of communication between nursery and home. Key persons will regularly update a child’s profile with photos, observations, and information of a child’s day whilst at nursery. Families can also use the app to upload photos of new learning observations of the child at home. Over time, by working in partnership between home and nursery, a child’s learning journey will evolve and families will be able to see how their child is progressing during their time at Kiddycare.

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